The Power of Creative Intelligence with BCII Founder Bem Le Hunte
Bem Le Hunte is an internationally published novelist and an expert in the field of Creative Intelligence. She is the Director of Learning and Teaching in the TD School at UTS, as well as the founding course director of the multi-award-winning Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (BCII). She teaches creative thinking, theory and practice across many disciplines from anthropology to media and creative writing – and works with academics from across all faculties at UTS as well as with an industry partnership base of over 2,000 individuals, to create and support this world-first, multi-award-winning future-facing transdisciplinary degree.
In today’s episode, we discuss the power of thinking creatively across disciplines, Bem’s origin story with the creation of the BCII at the University of Technology Sydney, her process of bringing this extraordinary dual degree to the W.A. Franke Honors College, and how this cutting-edge program will impact future generations of Franke Honors Wildcats.